Encuentro introduces SEPREMI to English-speaking Caribbean

21st June 2023

In a region where island states face expensive and complex supply chain challenges, 24 participants from 17 Caribbean countries came together for the first time to learn about contraceptive procurement-related business intelligence, planning, advocacy, and impact measurement. The USAID / LAC Bureau in partnership with UNFPA LACRO supported the translation of business intelligence platform SEPREMI so that English-speaking Caribbean countries could benefit from the favorable procurement terms currently enjoyed by Latin American countries.  Following on from a highly successful series of Spanish-language Encuentros in Latin America, this English-language meeting in Port of Spain showed how  SEPREMI can help estimate the effect of different budget scenarios on reproductive health outcomes.

UNFPA complemented the SEPREMI sessions with introductions to the SubRegional RH Commodity Security Framework and Procurement Services for External Partners, adding value to the workshop by integrating all aspects of supply management. This marked the first ever meeting of officials as a region to discuss common challenges.

Category: ForoLAC

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